Main Abstractions

This document provides an overview of the major abstractions offered by the SDK.

  • Rollup Interface (STF + DA service + DA verifier)
  • sov-modules (Runtime, Module, stf-blueprint w/ account abstraction, state abstractions)
  • sov-sequencer
  • sov-db
  • Rockbound

One of the most important principles in the Sovereign SDK is modularity. We believe strongly in separating rollups into their component parts and communicating through abstract interfaces. This allows us to iterate more quickly (since components are unaware of the implementation details of other components), and it also allows us to reuse components in contexts which are often quite different from the ones in which they were orginally designed.

In this chapter, we'll give a brief overview of the core abstractions of the Sovereign SDK

Native vs. ZK Execution

Perhaps the most fundamental abstraction in Sovereign is the separation between "native" code execution (which computes a new rollup state) and zero-knowledge verification of that state. Native execution is the experience you're used to. In native execution, you have full access to networking, disk, etc. In native mode, you typically trust data that you read from your own database, but not data that comes over the network.

Zero-knowledge execution looks similar. You write normal-looking Rust code to do CPU and memory operations - but under the hood, the environment is alien. In zero-knowledge execution, disk and network operations are impossible. Instead, all input is received from the (untrusted) machine generating the proof via a special syscall. So if you make a call that looks like a network access, you might not get a response from Instead, the prover will pick some arbitrary bytes to give back to you. The bytes might correspond to an actual response (i.e. if the prover is honest and made the network request for you) - but they might also be specially crafted to deceive you. So, in zero-knowledge mode, great care must be taken to avoid relying on unverified data from the prover.

In the Sovereign SDK, we try to share code between the "native" full node implementation and the zero-knowledge environment to the greatest extent possible. This minimizes surface area for bugs. However, a full node necessarily needs a lot of logic which is unnecessary (and undesirable) to execute in zero-knowledge. In the SDK, such code is gated behind a cargo feature called "native". This code includes RPC implementations, as well as logic to pre-process some data into formats which are easier for the zero-knowledge code to verify.

The Rollup Interface

If you squint hard enough, a zk-rollup is made of three separate components. There's an underlying blockchain ("Data Availability layer"), a set of transaction execution rules ("a State Transition Function") and a zero-knowledge proof system (a "ZKVM" for zero-knowledge virtual machine). In the abstract, it seems like it should be possible to take the same transaction processing logic (i.e. the EVM) and deploy it on top of many different DA layers. Similarly, you should be able to take the same execution logic and compile it down to several different proof systems - in the same way that you can take the same code an run it on Risc0 or SP1.

Unfortunately, separating these components can be tricky in practice. For example, the OP Stack relies on an Ethereum smart contract to enforce its censorship resistance guarantees - so, you can't easily take an OP stack rollup and deploy it on a non-EVM chain.

In the Sovereign SDK, flexibility is a primary design goal. So we take care to codify this separation of concerns into the framework from the very beginning. With Sovereign, it's possible to run any State Transition Function alongside any Da Service on top of any (rust-compatible) proof system and get a functional rollup. The rollup-interface crate is what makes this possible. Every other crate in the SDK depends on it, because it defines the core abstractions that are shared between all SDK rollups.

A digram showing how the rollup interface supports the entire Sovereign SDK

Inside of the rollup interface, the native vs zero-knowledge distinction appears in numerous places. For example, the DA layer abstraction has two components - a DaService, which runs as part of native full node execution and provides methods for fetching data from the underlying blockchain; and DaVerifier, which runs in zero-knowledge and verifies that the data being executed matches the provided DA block header.

How it Works

Essentially, the Sovereign SDK is just a generic function that does this:

fn main() {
fn run_rollup<Da: DaService, Zk: Zkvm, Stf: StateTransitionFunction>(self, da: Da, zkvm: Zk, business_logic: Stf) {
	loop {
		// Run some `native` code to get the data for execution
		let (block_data, block_header) = da.get_next_block();
		let (input_state, input_state_root) = self.db.get_state();
		// Run some zero-knowledge code to execute the block
		let proof = zkvm.prove(|| {
			// Check that the inputs match the provided commitments
			if !da.verify(block_data, block_header) || !input_state.verify(input_state_root) {
			// Make the data commitments part of the public proof
			output!(block_header.hash(), input_state_root)
			let output_state_root =, input_state);
			// Add the output root to the public proof
		// Publish the proof onto the DA layer

As you can see, most of the heavy lifting is done by the DA layer, the Zkvm and the rollup's business logic. The full node implementation is basically just glue holding these components together.


As discussed above, the role of the DA layer is to order and publish data. To integrate with the Sovereign SDK, a DA layer needs to provide implementations of two core traits: DaService and DaVerifier.

DA Service

The DaService trait is usually just a thin wrapper around a DA layer's standard RPC client. This trait provides standardized methods for fetching data, generating merkle proofs, and publishing data. Because it interacts with the network, correct execution of this trait is not provable in zero-knowledge.

Instead, the work of verifying of the data provided by the DaService is offloaded to the DaVerifier trait. Since the DaService runs only in native code, its implementation is less concerned about efficiency than zero-knowledge code. It's also easier to patch, since updating the DaService does not require any light clients or bridges to update.

The DaService is the only component of the SDK responsible for publishing and fetching data. The SDK's node does not currently have a peer-to-peer network of its own. This dramatically simplifies the full node and reduces bandwidth requirements.

DA Verifier

The DaVerifier is the zero-knowledge-provable counterpart of the DaService. It is responsible for checking that the (untrusted) private inputs to a proof match the public commitment as efficiently as possible. It's common for the DaVerifier to offload some work to the DaService (i.e. as computing extra metadata) in order to reduce the amount of computation required by the DaVerifier.

At the level of Rust code, we encode the relationship between the DaVerifier and the DaService using a helper trait called DaSpec - which specifies the types on which both interfaces operate.

Zero Knowledge Virtual Machine ("Zkvm")

The Zkvm traits make a zk-snark system (like Risc0 or Sp1) compatible with the Sovereign SDK. Like the DA layer, we separate Zkvm traits into a native and zk version, plus a shared helper.

The ZkvmHost trait describes how a native computer executes an elf file (generated from Rust code) and generates a zero-knowledge proof. It also describes how the native machine passes private inputs (the "witness") into the execution.

The ZkvmGuest trait describes how a program running in zero-knowledge mode accepts inputs from the host machine.

Finally, the ZkVerifier trait describes how a proof generated by the host is verified. This trait is implemented by both the Host and the Guest, which is how we represent that proofs must be verifiable natively and recursively (i.e. inside another SNARK.)

State Transition

A StateTransitionFunction ("STF") is a trait which describes:

  1. How to initialize a rollup's state at genesis

  2. How to apply the data from the DA layer to generate a new state

In other words, the implementation of StateTransitionFunction is what defines the rollup's "business logic".

In the Sovereign SDK, we define a generic full node which can run any STF. As long as your logic implements the interface, we should be able to run it.

However, implementing the business logic of a rollup is extremely complicated. While it's relatively easy to roll your own implementation of the Da or Zkvm traits, building a secure STF from scratch is a massive undertaking. It's so complex, in fact, that we assume no one will ever do it - andthe vast majority of the Sovereign SDK's code is devoted to providing a generic implementation of an STF that developers can customize. (This STF is what we call the Sovereign module system, or sov-modules).

So if no one is ever going to implement the StateTransitionFunction interface, why bother maintaining it at all? One reason is for flexibility. Just because we don't expect anyone to roll their own STF doesn't mean that they won't. But a bigger motivation is to keep concerns separate. By hiding the implementation details of the rollup behind the STF interface, we build a firm abstraction barrier between it and the full node. This means that we're free to make breaking changes on either side of the wall (either in the node, or in the STF) without worrying about breaking the other component.

Sov Modules

Outside of the rollup interface, the most important abstraction is sov-modules. sov-modules is a pre-built STF with pluggable... modules. It does the heavy lifting of implementing a secure STF so that you can focus on the core logic of your application.

The Runtime

At the heart of any sov-modules rollup is the Runtime:

fn main() {
// An example runtime similar to the one used in our "standard" demo rollup
pub struct Runtime<S: Spec> {
    /// The Bank module implements fungible tokens, which are needed to charge `gas`
    pub bank: sov_bank::Bank<S>,
    /// The Sequencer Registry module is where we track which addresses can send batches to the rollup
    pub sequencer_registry: sov_sequencer_registry::SequencerRegistry<S>,
    /// The Prover Incentives module is where we reward provers who do useful work
    pub prover_incentives: sov_prover_incentives::ProverIncentives<S>,
    /// The Accounts module implements identities on the rollup. All of the other modules rely on it
	/// to link cryptographic keys to logical accounts
    pub accounts: sov_accounts::Accounts<S>,
	/// The NFT module provides an implementation of a non-fungible token standard. It's totally optional.
    pub nft: sov_nft_module::NonFungibleToken<S>,
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "native", cli_skip)]
    /// The EVM module lets the rollup run Ethereum smart contracts. It's totally optional.
    pub evm: sov_evm::Evm<S, Da>,

At the highest level, a runtime is "just" a collection of all the modules which are included in your rollup. Its job is to take Transactions and dispatch them to the appropriate module for execution.

Pretty much all rollups built with the sov-modules include the bank, the sequencer registry, and the accounts module in their Runtime. They also usually include one of sov_prover_incentives (if they're a zk-rollup) or sov_attester_incentives (if they're an Optimistic rollup).

You may also have noticed that the Runtime is generic over a Spec. This Spec describe the core types (addresses, hashers, cryptography) used by the rollup and the DA layer. Making your runtime generic over a Spec means that you can easily change DA layers, or swap any of the core primitives of your rollup. For example, a rollup can trivially switch from Ed25519 to secp256k1 for its signature scheme by changing the implementation of its Spec trait.


"Modules" are the things that process transactions. For example, the Bank module lets users transfer tokens to each other. And the EVM module implements a full Ethereum Virtual Machine that can process any valid Ethereum transaction.

A Module is just a rust struct that implements two traits called Module and ModuleInfo.

The Module trait

The Module trait is like a simplified version of the StateTransitionFunction. It describes how to initialize the module at the rollup's genesis, and how the module processes CallMessages received from users (i.e. how it processes transactions)

fn main() {
pub trait Module {
	// -- Some associated type definitions are omitted here --
	/// Module defined argument to the call method.
    type CallMessage: Debug;

    /// Genesis is called when a rollup is deployed and can be used to set initial state values in the module.
    fn genesis(
        _config: &Self::Config,
        _working_set: &mut WorkingSet<Self::Spec>,
    ) -> Result<(), ModuleError>;

    /// Processes a transaction, updating the rollup state.
    fn call(&self,
        _message: Self::CallMessage,
        _context: &Context<Self::Spec>,
        _state: &mut impl TxState<S>,
    ) -> Result<CallResponse, ModuleError>;

You'll notice that the call function takes three arguments: an associated CallMessage type, a Context, and a WorkingSet.

  • The CallMessage type is the deserialized content of the user's transaction - and the module can pick any type to be its CallMessage. In most cases, modules use an enum with one variant for each action a user might want to take. For example, the Bank::CallMessage type has variants for minting, transferring, and burning tokens.

  • The Context type is relatively straightforward. It simply contains the address of the sequencer, who published the transaction, the identity of the transaction's signer, and the current block height.

  • The TxState is the most interesting of the three, but it needs a little bit of explanation. In the Sovereign SDK, the rust struct which implements a Module doesn't actually contain any state. Rather than holding actual values, the module simply defines the structure of some items in state. All of the actual state of the rollup is stored in the State object, which is in-memory layer on top of the rollup's database (in native mode) or merkle tree (in zk mode). The State abstraction handles commit/revert semantics for you, as well as taking responsibility for caching, deduplication, and automatic witness generation/checking. It also provides utilities for charging gas and emitting events.

The Accounts module provides a good example of a standard Module trait implementation.

fn main() {
pub enum CallMessage<S: Spec> {
    /// Updates a public key for the corresponding Account.
    /// The sender must be in possession of the new key.
        /// The new public key
        <S::CryptoSpec as CryptoSpec>::PublicKey,
        /// A valid signature from the new public key
        <S::CryptoSpec as CryptoSpec>::Signature,

impl<S: Spec> sov_modules_api::Module for Accounts<S> {
	// -- Some items ommitted here --
    fn call(
        msg: Self::CallMessage,
        context: &Context<S>,
        working_set: &mut WorkingSet<S>,
    ) -> Result<sov_modules_api::CallResponse, Error> {
        match msg {
            call::CallMessage::UpdatePublicKey(new_pub_key, sig) => {
				// Find the account of the sender
				let pub_key = self.public_keys.get(context.sender(), working_set)?;
				let account = self.accounts.get(&pub_key, working_set);
				// Update the public key
				self.accounts.set(&new_pub_key, &account, working_set);
					.set(context.sender(), &new_pub_key, working_set);

The ModuleInfo trait

The ModuleInfo trait describes how the module interacts with the broader module system. Each module has a unique ID and stores its state under a unique prefix of the global key-value store provided by sov-modules

fn main() {
pub trait ModuleInfo {
    /// Returns id of the module.
    fn id(&self) -> &ModuleId;

    /// Returns the prefix where module state is stored.
    fn prefix(&self) -> ModulePrefix;

    /// Returns addresses of all the other modules this module is dependent on
    fn dependencies(&self) -> Vec<&ModuleId>;

Unlike the Module trait, its incredibly rare for developers to implement ModuleInfo by hand. Instead, it's strongly recommended to derive the ModuleInfo using our handy macro. A typical usage looks like this:

fn main() {
#[derive(ModuleInfo, Clone)]
pub struct Bank<S: sov_modules_api::Spec> {
    /// The id of the sov-bank module.
    pub(crate) id: ModuleId,

    /// The gas configuration of the sov-bank module.
    pub(crate) gas: BankGasConfig<S::Gas>,

    /// A mapping of [`TokenId`]s to tokens in the sov-bank.
    pub(crate) tokens: sov_modules_api::StateMap<TokenId, Token<S>>,

This code automatically generates a unique ID for the bank module and stores it in the field of the module called id. It also initializes the StateMap "tokens" so that any keys stored in the map will be prefixed the with module's prefix. This prevents collisions in case a different module also declares a StateMap where the keys are TokenIds.

Module State

The Sovereign SDK provides three core abstractions for managing module state. A StateMap<K, V> maps arbitrary keys of type K to arbitrary values of type V. A StateValue<V> stores a value of type V. And a StateVec<V> store an arbitrary length vector of type V. All three types require their arguments to be serializable, since the values are stored in a merkle tree under the hood.

All three abstractions support changing the underlying encoding scheme but default to Borsh if no alternative is specified. To override the default, simply add an extra type parameter which implements the StateCodec trait. (i.e you might write StateValue<Da::BlockHeader, BcsCodec> to use the Bcs serialization scheme for block headers, since your library for DA layer types might only support serde-compatible serializers).

All state values are accessed through TxState. For example, you always write my_state_value.get(&mut state) to fetch a value. It's also important to remember that modifying a value that you read from state doesn't have any effect unless you call my_value.set(new, &mut working_set).

Merkle Tree Layout

sov-modules currently uses a generic Jellyfish Merkle Tree for its authenticated key-value store. (Generic because it can be configured to use any 32-byte hash function). In the near future, this JMT will be replaced with the Nearly Optimal Merkle Tree that is currently under development.

In the current implementation, the SDK implements storage by generating a unique (human-readable) key for each StateValue, using the hash of that key as a path in the merkle tree. For StateMaps, the serialization of the key is appended to that path. And for StateVecs, the index of the value is appended to the path.

For example, consider the following module:

fn main() {
// Suppose we're in the file my_crate/
#[derive(ModuleInfo, Clone)]
pub struct Example<S: sov_modules_api::Spec> {
    pub(crate) id: ModuleId,
    pub(crate) some_value: sov_modules_api::StateValue<u8>,
    pub(crate) some_vec: sov_modules_api::StateVec<u64>,
    pub(crate) some_map: sov_modules_api::StateMap<String, String>,

The value of some_value would be stored at the path hash(b"my_crate/Example/some_value"). The value of the key "hello" in some_map would be stored at hash(b"my_crate/Example/some_map/⍰hello") (where ⍰hello represents the borsh encoding of the string "hello") etc.

However, this layout may change in future to provide better locality. For more details... ask Preston, I guess.

Exotic State Variants

In addition to the standard state store, we support two other kinds of state:

KernelStateValues or (maps/vecs) act identically to regular StateValues, but they're stored in a separate merkle tree which is more tightly access controlled. This mechanism allows the rollup to store data that is inaccessible during transaction execution, which is necessary to enable soft-confirmations without sacrificing censorship resistance. For more details, see the section on soft-confirmations in the transaction lifecycle documentation. The global "state root" returned by the sov-modules from the StateTransitionFunction implementation is the hash of the kernel state root with the regular state root. We do our best to hide this detail from users of the SDK, though. Merkle proofs are automatically generated against the global root, so users don't need to worry about which state trie there values are in.

AccessoryStateValue or (map/vec) types are similar to Kernel types except that their values are not readable from inside the state transition function at all. Under the hood, these value are stored in the rollup's database but not in either merkle tree. This is useful for creating data that will be served via RPC but never accessed again during execution - for example, the transaction receipts from an Ethereum block.

The STF Blueprint

The last key component of a sov-modules rollup is the stf-blueprint. This "blueprint" provides a generic implementation of a StateTransitionFunction in terms of a Runtime (described above) and a Kernel (which provides security-critical functionality like censorship resistance in a way that's isolated from the transaction execution logic).

The STF blueprint implements the following high-level workflow:

  1. Take all of the new data Blobs read from the DA layer and send them to the Kernel. The Kernel will return a list of deserialized Batches of transactions as well as the current gas price. (A "Batch" is a "Blob" sent by a registered sequencer that has been succesfully deserialized into a list of Transactions)
  • Note that the list of Batches returned by the Kernel does not necessarily correspond exactly to the incoming Blobs. The Kernel might decide to ignore some Blobs, or to store some in its internal state for "deferred" execution. It might also add some Batches saved from a previous slot.
  1. Run the begin_slot hook, allowing modules to execute any initialization logic

  2. For each batch initialize the sequencer reward to zero and run the begin_batch hook. Apply the transactions, rewarding or penalizing the sequencer as appropriate. Finally, run the end_batch hook

  3. Run the end_slot hook to allow modules to execute any final logic.

  4. Compute the state change set and state root based on the transactions that were executed.

  5. Execute the finalize hook, which allows modules to compute any summary information from the change set and make it available via RPC.

For more details on the process of applying individual transactions, see the transaction lifecycle document.