Gas Specification

This document contains a detailed specification of the way gas is handled within Sovereign's SDK. We use <., .> to denote the scalar product of two multidimensional quantities.


Gas is an ubiquitous concept in the blockchain space. It is a measure of the computational effort required to perform an operation as part of a transaction execution context. This is used to prevent the network from getting spammed by regulating the use of computational resources by each participant in the network.

High level overview

We have drawn a lot of inspiration from the Ethereum gas model in our gas mechanism design. Given that Ethereum's gas is well understood and widely used in the crypto industry, we believe that this will help users onboard more easily while providing strong security guarantees out-of-the box. We have deliberately chosen to tweak some concepts that were ill-suited to the rollups built using Sovereing's SDK. In particular, sorted decreasing order of importance:

  • We are using multidimensional gas units and prices.
  • We plan to using a dynamic gas target. Otherwise, the rollups built with Sovereign's SDK follow the EIP-1559 specification by default.
  • Rollup transactions specify a max_fee, max_priority_fee_bips, and optional gas limit gas_limit. The semantics of these quantities roughtly match their definition in the EIP-1559 specification.
  • Transaction rewards are decomposed into base_fee and priority_fee. The base_fee is only partially burnt by default, the remaining amount is used to reward provers/attesters. The priority_fee is used to reward the block sequencers.
  • We are charging gas for every storage access within the module system by default.
  • Customers of the SDK will have access to wrappers that allow to charge gas for hash computation and signature checks.

A design for multidimensional gas

Sovereign SDK's rollups use multidimensional gas units and prices. For example, this allows developers to take into account the differences between native and zero-knowledge computational costs for the same operation. Indeed:

  • Hashing is orders of magnitude more expensive when performed inside a zero-knowledge circuit. The cost of proving the correct computation of two different Hash may also vary much more than the cost of computing the hash itself (Poseidon or MiMc vs Sha2).
  • Accessing a storage cell for the first time is much more expensive in zk mode than in native mode. But hot storage accesses are practically free in zero-knowledge.

In the Sovereign SDK, we currently meter consumption in two dimensions - compute and memory.

We have chosen to follow the multi-dimensional EIP-1559 design for the gas pricing adjustment formulas. In essence:

  • We are performing the gas price updates for each dimension separately. In other words, each dimension follows a separate uni-dimensional EIP-1559 gas price adjustment formula.
  • The gas price adjustment formula uses a gas_target reference, which is a uni-dimensional gas unit that is compared to the gas consumed gas_used. The gas_price is then adjusted to regulate the gas throughtput to get as close as possible to the gas_target. We have the following invariant: 0 <= gas_used_slot <= 2 * gas_target.
  • Contrarily to Ethereum, we are planning to design a dynamic gas_target. The value of the gas_target will vary slowly to follow the evolution of the rollup metrics we have described above. That way, Sovereign rollups can account for major technological improvements in computation (such as zk-proof generation throughtput), or storage cost.
  • Every transaction has to specify a scalar max_fee which is the maximum amount of gas tokens that can be used to execute a given transaction. Similarly, users have to specify a max_priority_fee_per_gas expressed in basis points which can be used to reward the transaction sequencer.
  • The final sequencer reward is: seq_reward = min(max_fee - <base_fee, gas_price>, max_priority_fee_per_gas * <base_fee, gas_price>).
  • Users can provide an optional gas_limit field which is a maximum amount of gas to be used for the transaction. This quantity is converted to a uni-dimensional remaining_funds quantity by taking the scalar product with the current gas_price.
  • If users provide the gas_limit, the rollup checks that <gas_limit, current_gas_price> <= max_fee (ie, the scalar product with the current gas_price). If the check fails, the associated transaction is not executed and the rollup raises a ReserveGasErrorReason::CurrentGasPriceTooHigh error.

Charging gas for state accesses.

State accessors such as the WorkingSet or the PreExecWorkingSet charge some gas whenever state is modified. If these accessors run out of gas, they return a StateAccessorError and the execution gets reverted (or the sequencer is penalized). Some state accessors - like StateCheckpoint, the TxScratchpad or the ApiStateAccessor - don't charge for gas for state accesses. In that case, the access methods return a Result<T, Infallible> type which can be unwrapped safely using unwrap_infallible.

For now, we are enforcing simple cached access patterns - we are refunding some gas if the value that is accessed/modified is hot (ie has been already accessed and is cached).

Gas rewards.

The gas consumed during transaction execution is used to reward both provers/attesters and block sequencers. The base_fee, ie the total amount of gas consumed by the transaction execution is partially burnt (the amount to burn is specified by the PERCENT_BASE_FEE_TO_BURN constant), and the remaining portion is locked in a reward pool to be redeemed by provers/attesters. The priority_fee is also partially burnt and used to reward block sequencers.

Additional data structures that can be used to charge gas.

We have a couple of additional data structures that can be used to charge gas. These are:

  • MeteredHasher: a wrapper structure that can be used to charge gas for hash computation.
  • MeteredSignature: a wrapper structure that can be used to charge gas for signature checks.
  • MeteredBorshDeserialize: a supertrait that can be used to charge gas for structures implementing BorshDeserialize.

Structure of the implementation

The core of the gas implementation is located within the sov-modules-api crate in the following modules/files:

  • module-system/sov-modules-api/src/common/ contains the implementation of the Gas and GasMeter traits. These are the core interfaces that are consumed by the API. The Gas trait defines the way users can interact with multidimensional gas units. The GasMeter is the interface implemented by every data structure that contains or consumes gas (such as the WorkingSet which contains a TxGasMeter, or the PreExecWorkingSet that may contain a SequencerStakeMeter).
  • module-system/sov-modules-api/src/common/ contains the implementation of the MeteredHasher which is a wrapper structure that can be used to charge gas for hash computation.
  • module-system/sov-modules-api/src/ contains the representation of the transaction type that is used within the SDK. These structures contain the max_fee, max_priority_fee_bips and gas_limit fields that represent the maximum amount of gas tokens to use for the transaction, the maximum priority fee to pay the sequencer (in basis points), and an optionnal multidimensional gas limit (ie the maximum amount of gas to be consumed for this transaction).

Outside of the sov-modules-api, within the module system:

  • module-system/module-implementations/sov-chain-state/src/ compute_base_fee_per_gas contains the implementation of the gas price update which follows our modified version of the EIP-1559. The gas price is updated within the ChainState's module lifecycle hooks (ChainState::begin_slot_hook updates the gas price, ChainState::end_slot_hook updates the gas consumed by the transaction).
  • module-system/module-implementations/sov-sequencer-registry/src/ contains the implementationn of the SequencerStakeMeter which is the data structure used to meter the sequencer stake before the transaction's execution starts.